The Zap zockt Review of the Tropico 6 DLC The Llama of Wall Street

In this article, I show you all the info and details about the new Tropico 6 DLC called The Llama of Wall Street and some new features for the popular economic strategy game around a Caribbean island dictatorship and the famous dictator El Presidente and his assistant Penultimo.
German Version:
This post is available here as text, but there is also a YouTube video (German voice-over, subtitles in many different languages). So you can choose how you want to enjoy it.
Tropico 6 The Llama of Wall Street Review Video
(German voice-over, subtitles in many different languages)
Tropico 6 DLC Review – Intro
Moin Moin, here’s the Zap. In this article, you get an insight into the new Tropico 6 DLC The Llama of Wall Street. I briefly introduce the new features and buildings, show the new cosmetic things and tell you something about my opinion.
First and foremost, this should bring you all the important information so that you can decide for yourself whether the DLC is interesting for you or not. Important note: This Tropico 6 DLC can only be used if you already own the basic game.
- The Zap zockt Review of the Tropico 6 DLC The Llama of Wall Street
- Tropico 6 The Llama of Wall Street Review Video
- Tropico 6 DLC Review – Intro
- Content and price
- New Feature: Dynamic Market Development
- New Feature: Random Events
- New feature: Social Security Ordinance
- New building: Trade institute
- New manufacturing buildings
- New Mission “The Llama of Wall Street”
- New Sandbox Map
- New Cosmetic Stuff
- Tropico 6 DLC Review: Opinion and Conclusion
- Tropico 6 – The Llama of the Wall Street – Rating
- Links:
Content and price
The DLC currently costs roughly 10 Euro basic price at Steam. But there is a 15% discount for the release so that it is offered at 8,49 € at the moment. For all other platforms, the price should be comparable.
Those who had already purchased the main game Tropico 6 before January 10, 2019, received the DLC free of charge. This is true for me and for all other PC users who participated in the beta test.
Reading – Recommendations
Tropico 6 Tips and Tricks (Folge 1/3)
Tropico to go – Tropico Mobile Review for Android and iOS
Tropico 6 Gameplay Videos (German)
Shopping recommendation:
You can get this DLC (and many other games) at a special price at my partner site Gamesplanet:
Buy Tropico 6 DLC The Llama of the Wall Street for less at Gamesplanet
(Affiliate link/advertising, for each purchase through this link I get a small commission)

New Feature: Dynamic Market Development
New Feature: Dynamic Market Development
Market fluctuations are probably one of the most outstanding new features coming into play with The Llama of Wall Street. There are always goods that are in the trend and so their price rises enormously for some time. Other goods rise a little or fall. This is also influenced by how much of which goods we export or import. If we sell a lot of goods, the price decreases over time.
In any case, this feature brings more movement into the market and trading becomes a bit more interesting. There are also always very cheap imports, which you could possibly stock up in the warehouse introduced by Patch 7, in order to sell them later more expensive again.
New Feature: Random Events

New Feature: Random Events
In addition, there are some new events in the game that affect certain commodity groups, but also other game features.
Here, for example, there is an earthquake warning that prohibits the construction of tunnels for some time. Or a war, which increases the prices for weapons and raw materials. A rot that reduces the fertility of all plants by 40% for some time can also pose a challenge if it catches you unfavorably.
These events always last for some time and bring some variety into the game. The broker also offers an option to end events prematurely, which costs 4500 dollars dirty money.
New feature: Social Security Ordinance

New feature: Social Security Ordinance
Then there is also the new ordinance “Social Security” in the age of the Cold War.
Here, pensioners and pupils receive an unconditional basic income, so to speak, that is based on the average wage. This improves the personal experience, increases the reputation with the communists, but of course, the capitalists do not like it at all.

New building: Trade institute

New building: Trade institute
The most important innovation in the building list is the Trade Institute. This building has two operating modes, “quiet markets” and “study markets”.
“Quiet markets” ensures that the fluctuations in commodity prices that we trigger with our exports are mitigated. This could be particularly interesting if you are building an economy that is strongly focused on 1-2 specific commodities. The fluctuations are smoothed out by 10% per employee in the building.
In the “Study markets” setting, this building generates knowledge. The amount of knowledge generated depends on our trade impact. So I assume that roughly speaking, it increases with the amount of exported goods.
The fact that knowledge is generated here is not only helpful for research, but the trade institute also has the opportunity to invest knowledge to manipulate the markets. Here one can trigger upward or downward trends for every 2500 knowledge points.
If you choose this action, you will be offered 3 random groups of 3 goods each, which you can increase or decrease. By the random selection of the goods it is only conditionally controllable, but nevertheless a useful function.
As a final and certainly not least important feature, the trading institute indicates which goods are currently subject to upward and downward trends. This shows exactly how long existing trends will last. In addition, upcoming trends are predicted.
With this knowledge, if you use the new building warehouse cleverly added by Update 7, you can stockpile goods in the downtrend or even import and sell them at a profit when they go into the uptrend.
Trade Institute Menu View Trade Institute Tropico 6 DLC Review: Triggering trends with the trading institute
New manufacturing buildings

New manufacturing buildings
The other two buildings are useful, but not as outstanding as the Trade Institute, but they still provide more variety in the game. These are two new factories.
This starts with the toy factory, where we can make toys from various raw materials. This ranges from wood and cotton to rubber and electronic toys. Since the toy factory is available very early in the ages and is very flexible in the selection of its raw materials, I find it quite practical.
The second is the factory “Intelligent Furniture Studio”. Here, intelligent furniture is produced from furniture and electronics. The building is quite expensive and is only available in modern times. Then it allows to process furniture and electronics and depending on the basic settings also in different compositions, so you can adapt this to the existing supply a little.
toy factory Intelligent Furniture Studio
New Mission “The Llama of Wall Street”
The new independent main mission is called like the DLC itself. Here we get a pretty big island and are guided by a kind of tutorial for the new features in the game.
The story is rather moderately funny and focuses on the broker as the client. An outstanding feature here is that we get the broker taken away from us for some time.
The mission has some playtime, but unfortunately, this is mainly due to the fact that we often have to produce large quantities of certain goods and these take time to be constantly growing. A task like “Export 30,000 Electronics” takes a long time, but it doesn’t get more exciting because you have to produce more and more of these goods.
After all, the last tasks are a bit more varied and the conclusion even quite tricky to achieve, I think. But I don’t want to spoil here.
New Sandbox Map

New Sandbox Map
Besides the mission, there is also a new sandbox map called “Acantilado Humeante”. I like this new map quite well, it seems to be balanced at first sight and not too fissured. So there is also new game material for sandbox and multiplayer players.
New Cosmetic Stuff
For the adaptation of El Presidente and his palace, we get some new options with this DLC. A suit printed with banknotes, or the possibility to give our palace a really run-down look I found especially amusing. These things are nice-to-have, but I don’t think they’re a very prominent feature now that enhances this DLC. In the end, you get 1-2 more things to choose from in each category.
There is also a new character trait for the creation of our El Presidente. But I can’t say which one from the list is the new one.
Tropico 6 DLC Review: Opinion and Conclusion

Opinion and Conclusion
On the one hand, I like the new feature of market dynamics quite well. But sometimes I had the feeling that the trends made trading a lot easier and making money easier overall.
More variety is offered here, you generally have to look a little bit more at what you are currently producing and how strong. Also, the new building “Storage”, brought into play by patch 7, only really makes sense with these market fluctuations.
If you concentrate on the goods that are currently in trend or at least conclude trade contracts that concentrate particularly on-trend goods, the money rolls into the till. And the option of influencing the markets gives you some new tactics.
But somehow there is also a bit of resonance that this DLC makes the game a little easier for you. I don’t want to swing the evil pay-to-win club now, but the thought came to me somehow.
The new mission is roughly speaking “quite nice”, but not a particularly outstanding map. It’s full of resources, offers some larger flat levels, and doesn’t have many stumbling blocks. The story of the mission shows you how the new mechanics work at the beginning. Then there are some big production orders before the whole thing leads to a tricky conclusion at the end.
This isn’t the best mission compared to the main game, but you can have between 10 and 20 hours of fun with it and completing it is definitely a challenge.
Tropico 6 – The Llama of the Wall Street – Rating
I often have my problems with DLC ratings. In many cases the required price and the offered playing experience are not in a good relationship.
With a basic price of 10 Euro, this Tropico 6 DLC is definitely no longer a Mini-DLC, and then the contents are quite simple.
Considering the price and the amount of new content offered, I would like to give this DLC a basic rating of 70%. For a better rating there should have been more than one mission, in my opinion.

If you can get the DLC for less than 10 Euro, through a sale or through the current introductory discount at Steam, this rating improves by a few percent depending on the discount.
How do you like the llama of Wall Street? Do you have any questions or just want to give your general opinion about the game or my contributions? Then please write me in the comments.
More info and lots of Tropico 6 tips and tricks can be found here in the blog or in the corresponding playlists on the channel.
If you would like to read or watch more about Tropico or many other games, news, tips and tricks and guides, subscribe to my YouTube channel or maybe my newsletter.
Then I wish you a great day, let it go well with you, ciao ciao, your Zap
Tropico 6 DLC – The Llama of Wall Street

First and foremost, this should bring you all the important information so that you can decide for yourself whether the DLC is interesting for you or not. Important note: This Tropico 6 DLC can only be used if you already own the basic game.
Considering the price and the amount of new content offered, I would like to give this DLC a basic rating of 70%. For a better rating, there should have been more than one mission, in my opinion.
Reading – Recommendations
Tropico 6 Tips and Tricks (Folge 1/3)
Tropico to go – Tropico Mobile Review for Android and iOS
Tropico 6 Gameplay Videos (German)
Shopping recommendation:
You can get this DLC (and many other games) at a special price at my partner site Gamesplanet:
Buy Tropico 6 DLC The Llama of the Wall Street for less at Gamesplanet
(Affiliate link / advertising, for each purchase through this link I get a small commission)