Game News about Indie Games and Indie Game Developer

The latest Indie Game news from February + March 2020 for PS4, XBox, PC & Switch. This time with Legend of Keepers, Withstand, Rescue HQ DLC Coastguard, Hot Brass, Endzone A World Apart, Colony Siege, and Conglomerate 451.
German Version:
This article exists here as text and as a YouTube video (German voice-over, many subtitles). So you can choose how you like to consume the content.
(German voice-over, many subtitles)
ZIGN – Zaps Indie Game News – Intro
Hi there, this is Zap. Welcome to a new format. It will be an experiment, see how much you like it.
I call it ZIGN for now, or in long-form Zaps Indie Game News. Here I present smaller games or DLCs in short form and explain very briefly what’s in it when it’s released and all sorts of other information around it.
I will take the game a little bit looser, so it can also be a game of a bigger publisher in between. But the main focus should be on Indie Games in any case. And through this, you will hopefully learn some things here that you don’t already know everywhere else.
Please write to me below what you think of this new format and if you have any wishes for it. Below is also a link list to all games, if you want to know more about a title. And then I’ll get started right away.

Legend of Keepers
This is a funny Roguelike Dungeonmaster game in pixelart style. Roughly speaking, Legend of Keepers is a Darkest Dungeon from the other side.
Here we do not play the heroes, but the dungeon boss. We recruit monsters, build traps, earn money by looting the environment. Or by taking away the savings of cheeky heroes who try to raid our dungeon.
The game came out a few weeks ago as a free Prologue version. There you could and still can try out a first dungeon boss and some of the monsters, traps, etc. .
But now it’s almost time for Legend of Keepers to go into the release. It is just in a closed beta test for the last balancing, in which I also participate. The game runs stable and fluent, only the balancing is still a bit of work in progress.
But for me, it looks excellent and the game is really fun. And the scope in the full version is even bigger than in the Prologue version, more dungeons, more monsters, more heroes, more of everything, more fun.
Legend of Keepers 01 Legend of Keepers 02
If you are interested, you could simply add it to the wish list at Steam. You can get much more information about the game in the (p)Review of the Legend of Keepers Prologue version by me.

Withstand Survival
Withstand is a first-person zombie survival shooter that is currently being built by a single developer using the Unreal Engine. Visually it doesn’t look that wrong at all.
You can also buy the game on Steam since 5 March. It currently costs $14 and has a release discount on it. Withstand is already running quite ok so far, but it still has a long way to go.
Strong points are the extensive crafting, usable vehicles, and a quest and skill system that looks quite promising.
Here you can be part of the development of a Zombie Survival Game live. The developer seems very capable and dedicated to me and maintains a close connection to the community. Maybe an interesting project, for real survival fans. If you are not so good with unfinished games, you should skip this early access version for now and come back later. All links to the game see below.
Withstand-Survival-01 Withstand-Survival-02 Zaps-Indie-Game-NewsWithstand-Survival-03 Zaps-Indie-Game-News-Withstand-Survival-04 Zaps-Indie-Game-News-ZIGN-01-Legends-of-KeepersWithstandRescue-HQ-DLC-Withstand-Survival-05

Hot Brass
Hot Brass is currently developed by Walk with Kings in Australia and distributed by the indie label Fellow Traveller.
In Hot Brass, we play a SWAT unit of the police, which is called in for special situations. Hot Brass is a top-down real-time strategy game, where we play alone or with up to 3 friends in multiplayer.
We investigate crime scenes of hostage-taking, robberies or other crimes. And then it is our decision whether we rush or whether we defuse the situation with careful and well-planned action, skillful situation analysis and team play as bloodlessly as possible.
Gunfire should only be used in case of necessity, but police officers are also mortal, so every mission becomes a delicate balancing act between violence and peaceful solution. We equip our cops with weapons, handcuffs, stun grenades and high-tech, like cameras that you can slide under the door. And with that our brave policemen then set out to render crooks, thieves, violent criminals or terrorists harmless.
Hot Brass is currently in an Open Beta, to which anyone can sign-up. So if you feel like arresting a few criminals alone or with friends, just follow the Hot Brass link below and join the exciting and tactical police service. Link to the beta registration and for more information, see below.
Zaps Indie Game News ZIGN #01 Hot Brass Arcade Zaps Indie Game News ZIGN #01 – Hot Brass Hot Brass Equipment Hot Brass Arrest

Rescue HQ – Coastguard DLC
Rescue HQ is a building strategy and tycoon game from Still Alive Studios in Austria, which was already released in May 2019. Here we build up a headquarters for police, fire brigade, and rescue and ambulance services, take care of the well-being of our rescuers and also have to take care of the tough finances so that we don’t get fired by the mayor.
Now with “Coastguard” the first DLC to Rescue HQ has been released. Through this DLC the Coastguard comes into play as the fourth department. In the new Map London, we get a port and can send out the coastguard ships to handle emergencies and crimes on the water.
Also, for the three previous units, there are now ships as emergency vehicles and also otherwise, the game has got some new features. Among other things, there is a new type of mission, the smuggler missions, which require particularly strong task forces, but also bring extra reputation and income if successful.
The new map is quite interesting, the coast guard has some nice options. But from my point of view, this DLC is only something for the real Rescue HQ fans. You shouldn’t expect groundbreaking innovations here, rather something more of the usual.
The DLC is already available at Steam for €9,99 or via the partner link in the video description with a 15% discount.
The Hot Plate
The category Hot Plate shall show again short excerpts from already published detailed reviews. In case you missed them, here you get a short insight, and maybe some appetite to read the long version, too.
With Endzone Gently Mad has a hot iron in the making at the moment. Apocalyptic building strategy, Banished meets Fallout. The game is available for pre-order on the manufacturer’s site and pre-orderers will also get access to Closed Beta. Endzone will also go into early access within the next few weeks.
It is already running technically very smooth, but still has some rough edges in balancing. In addition, the developers have some more features in planning, which will be implemented into the game during the next months.
Like his role model Banished, Endzone is also very difficult and offers a real challenge for players who like to work on fiddly things and are not immediately deterred by one or five wiped out settlements. You can find the long review here.
Endzone A World Apart – Fallout meets Banished – Endzeit Aufbau Strategie (German, many subtitles) 03 Build Up Strategy – Aufbau Strategie Market Endzone A World Apart – Fallout meets Banished – Endzeit Aufbau Strategie (German, many subtitles) 03 Build Up Strategy – Aufbau Strategie Big City

Colony Siege
Colony Siege was recently in the preview test with me and showed a very strong side, although the game will go into early access only in May.
If you are into real-time strategy and tower defense, you can probably find a lot of fun in this title from May on. A detailed preview is available here.
Conglomerate 451
Then recently Conglomerate 451 was released, a rogue-like round- and grid-based role-playing game with high-quality cyberpunk graphics.
In Conglomerate 451, we are leading a task force to rescue an entire region from the clutches of greedy and corrupt corporations and their criminal gangs.
We clone ourselves a few agents, provide them with some equipment and send them against the gang warriors, drones and cyborgs belonging to our enemies. While doing so we hack into mini-games doors, computers and even our enemies directly.
Interested in more about conglomerates, then have a look here.
Conglomerate 451 Review – Test – rundenbasiertes Cyberpunk roguelike Dungeoncrawler RPG-C451_BossFight_01 Conglomerate 451 Review – Test – rundenbasiertes Cyberpunk roguelike Dungeoncrawler RPG-rU
What do you think about the presented games, do you feel like trying one or more of them? How do you like this short news format? Here I would be very happy about your feedback.
More Gaming News and Game Reviews you will always find here at – Then I wish you a great day, have a good time, ciao ciao, your Zap
Links und Quellen:
Legend of Keepers:
Preview des Prologue von
Hot Brass
Rescue HQ – Coastguard DLC:
Affiliate Link / Werbung
Coastguard bei Gamesplanet günstiger kaufen:–4056-2?ref=zapzockt
(Für jeden Einkauf über diesen Link bekomme ich eine kleine Provision)
Alle Infos zu Endzone – A World Apart:
Mehr erfahren über Colony Siege: