Youtube minimum age – What is the age limit for YouTube?

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YouTube Minimum Age restrictions and rules on age on YouTube

From how many years may one register with YouTube? At what age are you allowed to operate a YouTube channel? How old do you have to be to start a livestream as a streamer on YouTube?

YouTube deletes views, comments or likes – Why?

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YouTube deletes views, comments, likes and subscribers, but why?

Very often there are questions why a video loses views on YouTube, comments disappear or likes you had are suddenly deleted. Does YouTube delete views? Or are Likes removed from YouTube?

YouTube account hacked

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A warning: New social hack YouTube Trojans in circulation – How to hack your YouTube account.
How fraudsters try to compromise your YouTube account security with YouTube scam, phishing and Trojans.

YouTube COPPA – YouTube changes 2020 by COPPA

YouTube COPPA - Youtube Änderungen 2020 durch COPPA

YouTube was sued by the FTC and was fined 170 million for collecting data from children and showing targeted advertising on children’s content. To continue showing children content in the future and avoid even greater fines, YouTube COPPA must comply more seriously with its rules and regulations, and this applies to all YouTube channels, all over the world and possibly every YouTube viewer.