All informations about Borderlands Shift Codes, Vault Codes, Diamond Codes, Creator Codes, eMail Codes and the Borderlands VIP Program.

In this article, you will learn all about the different Borderlands Shift Codes, VIP Codes, Vault Codes, Creator Codes for golden keys, Skins, and other giveaways around Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, and Borderlands 3.
German Version:
And of course, there are always the latest Shift and VIP codes here at at the end of the article. And new codes will be updated regularly, so check back to every now and then.
Last Update: 21.November 2019 (viele neue Borderlands 3 Shift Codes)
► What are these Borderlands Shift Codes ? eMail Codes? Vault Codes?
Gearbox Entertainment and 2k run a promotion program called “Shift”. The idea behind this program is that in press releases, social media posts, trailers, and other public relation actions, codes are hidden or openly communicated. For these codes, you can get InGame rewards for free. Of course, each code is only redeemable once.
► Where can I redeem Borderlands Shift Codes?

Where can I redeem Shift Codes?
In order to redeem Borderlands Shift Codes, you have to log in (and register) to the Shift program: Which is done here
After that, you can easily enter here via copy and paste the codes under Rewards
With Borderlands 3 you can now enter Shift codes directly in the game. Just go to the social menu and change to the shift menu. Then there is the possibility to enter the code there.
Important: All rewards are sent to you InGame as mail, so you only get them when you fetch your mail !
► Important questions about the Borderlands Codes
Basically there are 5 different Borderlands Codes: Shift Codes, Vault Codes, eMail Codes, Creator Codes und Diamond Codes
Borderlands Shift Codes, mostly come from temporary actions, where 2k or Gearbox give out 20-digit codes, for which you get golden keys, VIP points or other things for a while when redeeming. These codes are usually distributed on Twitter or Facebook. You have to keep in mind that most shift codes are platform-dependent and game-dependent, it’s then usually stated whether the respective code is for PC&Mac, Playstation or XBox, and this then only applies to the respective platform game.
Borderlands Vault Codes are mostly included in marketing campaigns, sometimes more visible, sometimes hidden. Very often such codes are currently packed into Borderlands 3 announcements or live streams.
2k and Borderlands feature some specific content creators on Twitch or YouTube and then give them special creator codes. Also in Gearbox’s own live streams there are such codes from time to time.
Borderlands email codes are sent in the Borderlands & 2k newsletters. Therefore you have to register for the respective newsletter programs.
The last code category is the Diamond Codes. These are one-time codes that will probably be handed out by support as compensation for game problems, or as a thank you for especially nice or helpful community members. Also in raffles and giveawayas such codes are said to have existed already. Also some pre-order versions contained Diamond Codes in the package. But I haven’t had a Diamond Code yet. And if you have one, you shouldn’t give it away, because the first one to redeem it gets it and after that it’s invalid.
► What is the Borderlands VIP Program ?

Borderlands 3 Loot
Borderlands VIP is the abbreviation for the Vault Insider Program – the program for the Vault hunters who are really into it and always want the best Loot. Here you can collect points and get a lot of extra loot for all Borderlands games.
Vip Points – What do I get for Diamond Codes, email Codes, Shift Codes, Vault Codes ?

Sometimes there are directly the desired golden keys, for which you can get particularly good items in the game and sometimes you also get directly a rare skin, or a class mod or other in-game advantages. But in many cases you also get points for the Borderlands VIP program, so called VIP points. These Borderlands VIP points can be redeemed in a special shop system. Here you can directly select certain items or participate in a kind of wheel of fortune.
► Borderlands – What do I get for Golden Keys?
Golden Keys can be used in all Borderlands parts to open a special box containing a particularly good Loot. This box is located in Sanctury and you get items adapted to each level, very often with epic or even legendary quality.

► Borderlands Activities

VIP Program Activities brings VIP Points
In addition, there are also so-called VIP Activities on the Borderlands page. Here you have to perform certain actions and are rewarded with VIP points. This starts with the linking of the game, a possibly also existing 2k account, goes over the linking of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and ends with many small tasks, where you have to look at the different marketing posts for the Borderlands games, read texts, watch videos, etc.
You can also get some points for just checking out the Borderlands Twitter page or Instagram, Facebook, etc.
Each of these VIP activities gives a certain amount of VIP points, and in total, you can collect several thousand VIP points as a reward.

VIP Programm Activity
► Borderlands 3 – Advice and Reading Recommendation:
You can find a lot of information about Borderlands 3 in the overview
Borderlands 3 all Infos
► Borderlands 3 Shift Codes (PC, PS4 und XBOX) 2019:
Important information for PC players: Before activating the shift codes for Borderlands 3 you should link your Epic account with Shift, so that you are offered the activation for Epic !
General note:
If you know other codes, please write them in the comments below (no registration necessary) or mail (see Imprint). Also error messages, feedback or other suggestions, just write below.
HINT – Keep reading: Below this Shift Codes List is a longer VIP Codes List
Another Note: Unfortunately there are currently almost only shift codes for Borderlands 3 which are only valid for 3 hours or a maximum of 24 hours. I don’t know why Gearbox does this, I think it’s stupid, but we you can’t change it. It makes little sense to enter these short time codes here. If I find valid codes for a longer time, they will of course be entered here. Bookmarking and taking a look from time to time is still worth it.
Borderlands 3 – 3 Golden Keys
ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H (permanent gültig)
Borderlands 3 Shift Codes – 1 Golden Key (each):
HXKBT-XJ6FR-WBRKJ-J3TTB-RSBHR (permanent gültig)
Z65B3-JCXX6-5JXW3-3B33J-9SWT6 (permanent gültig)
ZFKJ3-TT6FF-KTFKT-T3JJT-JWX36 (permanent gültig)
ZRWBJ-ST6XR-CBFKT-JT3J3-FRXJ5 (permanent gültig)
9XCBT-WBXFR-5TRWJ-JJJ33-TX53Z (permanent gültig)
► Borderlands 3 – Halloween Horror Heads:
► Borderlands 2 Shift Codes (PC, PS4 und XBOX) 2019
The following shift codes should still work at the moment (Novembre 21 19). I will update this list as often as I can and of course there will be the latest Borderlands 3 shift codes.
W3KJB-H9CBW-XRBRW-JTBTJ-9JRXK (25 Goldene Schlüssel)
C35TB-WS6ST-TXBRK-TTTJT-JJH6H (Salvador’s Community Day Skin, 5 Goldene Schlüssel)
53KBB-KXXRC-RZ66Z-WFJBB-WSRZ3 (Zer0’s Community Day Skin, 5 Goldene Schlüssel)
5B3BJ-XZWFW-T3KRZ-JBJTB-6WST9 (Maya’s Community Day Skin)
W353J-RR6RC-X96R9-C63J3-RJTFW (Axton’s Community Day Skin, 5 Goldene Schlüssel )
WJ5TB BJSZJ TFB6W JTJJJ 3Z3CB (Krieg’s Community Day Skin)
Gaige’s Community Day Skin and 5 Goldene Schlüssel
► Borderlands Shift Codes – Keys with limited duration
Goldene Schlüssel für Borderlands GOTY:
1) S6W3B-X9XF6-5J6CJ-T3B3T-9ZJTH
2) 9XW3J-Z96R6-5BF5B-TJT3J-XR6CW
SHiFT code für 5 Goldene SChlüssel in Borderlands GOTY
► cosmetic Borderlands 2 Shift Codes für PC
Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep
KTK3J-FR3JS-ZX55B-B3BJ3-HSRB6 (Axton’s Natural Twenty skin)
535BB-3R3BZ-HF5K3-JJB33-3BF3J (Gaige’s Summoner Sickness Skin)
CTKJ3-9CBJS-9R5WT-JBJ3T-WKXKF (Zer0’s The Pandora Chainmail Massacre skin)
CBCJ3-W5TT9-S65K3-BJJ3B-XHWWC (Maya’s Her Violent Nature skin)
CBKJ3-5FT39-ZRCCT-JTJB3-RFJ5B (Krieg’s My Fantasies Involve Blood skin)
5J5TT-RCJBS-ZXWCJ-TJ3BJ-TK3FB (Salvador’s Bear Naked skin)
Head Skins
KJKJT-WHBKX-HC9BT-TJBJ3-XJFSJ (Axton’s Warrior of Light head)
CBKBJ-6ZJW6-HKH3T-B3T33-F5ZRS (Gaige’s Wayfarer Wizard head)
CT5BB-XTW5X-9CSBT-3BTTJ-FT5X5 (Zer0’s G0ry Gh0ul head)
KTC3T-WTW5F-ZCHB3-BT3B3-XJ9WR (Maya’s Elven Eliminator head)
CBKBB-ZHJC6-SWHJT-JJ3BB-3CXHS (Krieg’s My Ears Are Ringing head)
WBCJJ-33KWR-S5Z33-BJTTB-65WJJ (Salvador’s The Beast Within head)
5T53B-6K9KT-Z5B65-BTJJ3-655CZ (Loverpalooza skins & gun)
WTCBJ-FTCXF-5TXCT-3TJ33-TZXW6 (Krieg’s Loverpalooza skin)
Luck of the Zafords
5JWT3-3H5FB-SCBX5-TJ3JB-H5R6X (Luck of the Zafords skins & Chulainn SMG)
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
CJKBJ-3XWTF-HCJ6K-JJB3T-SB35X (Axton as Athena skin)
CTWTB-RXKTR-SKJXW-3TBTJ-KXKKH (Salvador as Wilhelm skin)
KBWT3-WF5TR-SC3XW-T333B-TSCTS (Maya as Nisha skin)
W3C33-H653X-9CTR5-3TBJ3-HZ99S (Zer0 as Claptrap skin)
53WT3-59KJX-95B65-3J333-S9JW9 (Gaige as Moon Moxxi skin)

CTKTJ-JSWJF-SCJXK-3TJJ3-RWTKX (Krieg as a Scav skin)
► Borderlands 2 Class Mod Shift Codes:
W3C3B-5JRZC-WJH33-JBJJB-9S6CJ (Gaige Class Mod)
CBWJ3-S5CJ3-WTTCF-WX333-9STBF (Zer0 Class Mod)
WJWJ3-FXC33-KT3CR-KR33J-J9B35 (Maya Class Mod)
WTCJT-J653B-C3TKF-5X333-F6JRH (Krieg Class Mod)
WJKBB-KXC3J-5BBCR-5X33J-XZ6RZ (Salvador Class Mod)
Als kleine Belohnung für alle, die hier unten angekommen sind:
► Borderlands 2 Shift Codes for Golden Keys
WBK3T-BKW6T-TXTRK-JTTBT-C6BS5 (25 Golden Keys)
5BW3B-F96CT-KXJFK-TB3B3-39BWZ (20 Golden Keys)

► Borderlands VIP Codes
As mentioned above, there are different types of VIP codes. These must be redeemed on this page: Click hier . Each type must also be redeemed in the correct category. For example, to redeem a Vault Code, you must first press the VAULT button and then enter the code.
The following table has been taken over by Reddit (source at the bottom of the source list), but it has already been extended.
Code | VIP Punkte | noch gültig? | Art des Codes | Alter des Codes |
BL3REVEAL | 100 | YES | ||
BL3WELCOME | 250 | no | ||
INTHEFACE | 200 | NO, | ||
JOYPUKE | 250 | no | ||
LOOTLOOTLOOT | 250 | no | ||
MitsuShowE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR | |
TessachkaE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR | |
EdEMonsterE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR | |
Joltzdude139E3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR | |
Ki11ersixE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR | |
KingGothalionE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR | |
ProfessorBromanE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR | |
AdmiralBahrooE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR | |
dammit2hellE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR | |
IGNVIP | 250 | YES | VAULT | |
FIGHT4SANCTUARY | 250 | no | ||
Borderlands3vip | 500 | YES | Vault | |
TWITCHVIP | 250 | Yes | Vault | |
GAMESPOTVIP | 250 | Yes | Vault | |
FACEBOOKVIP | 250 | Yes | Vault | |
SHACKNEWSVIP | 250 | Yes | vault | |
GAMEVIP | 100 | Yes | Vault | |
BL3ATE3 | 250 | no | 6/11/2019 | |
WEGOTUBOO | 200 | Yes | vault | 6/13 |
LOWCOSTCOSPLAYE3 | 500 | no | VAULT | 6/13 |
BORDERLANDSCOSPLAYE3 | 200 | no | vault | 6/13 |
NAYSYE3 | 200 | no | creator | 6/14 |
LUCKYBONEZE3 | 200 | no | creator | 6/14 |
GRIMMBONEZE3 | 200 | no | creator | 6/14 |
2kLove | 500 | maybe | 6/21 | |
ILOVEBAGUETTE | 200 | maybe | vault | 6/28 |
CohhVIP | 250 | maybe | creator | 7/2 |
Cure4Kids | 500 | no | creator | 7/3 |
BL3FREVENTVIP | 200 | YES | VAULT | 7/5 |
WHATCHUWANT | 1000 | YEs, until 7/10 at 1159 | Vault | 7/9 |
MUSHYSNUGGLEBITES | 250 | Yes | Vault | 7/12 |
HEYSUGAR | 250 | Yes | 7/15 | |
SOHAPPYTOGETHER | 250 | yes | 7/16 | |
CLAPTASTIC | 250 | yes | 7/18 | |
OOPS | 100 | yes | vault | 7/19 |
BORDERLENS | 250 | yes | vault | 7/19 |
Skagbait | 200 | yes | vault | 7/21 |
VIP-GUNWALL | 200 | yes | vault | 7/21 |
VIP-GIFTSHOP | 200 | yes | vault | 7/21 |
VIP-REDCHEST | 200 | yes | vault | 7/21 |
VIP-COV | 200 | yes | vault | 7/21 |
VIP-MOXXI | 200 | yes | vault | 7/21 |
VIP-ENVART | 200 | yes | vault | 7/21 |
VIP-CALYPSO | 200 | yes | vault | 7/21 |
VIP-CHARCONCEPT | 200 | yes | vault | 7/21 |
VIP-BOXCONCEPT | 200 | yes | vault | 7/21 |
VIP-PHOTOBOOTH | 200 | yes | vault | 7/21 |
BL3MUSEUMCOSPLAY | 500 | yes | vault | 7/20 |
3DJUEGOSVIP | 100 | yes | vault | 7/23. |
HALVERHAHN | 500 | yes | vault | 7/25 |
BRINGMEABUCKET | 250 | yes | vault | 7/26 |
MAYHEMPRIDE | 500 | yes | vault | 7/27 |
THESEPRETZELSSUCK | 250 | jepp | vault | 2. August |
LOOTSPLOSION | 1000 | no | vault | 07. August |
BONERFART | 250 | jo | vault | 09. August. |
ONTHEHUNT | 250 | jo, bis 31.12.19 | 14. August | |
CRUMPOCALYPSE | 250 | jo | vault | 16. August |
GODSDONTNEGOTIATE | 250 | jepp | vault | 23. August |
SEVENDAYS | 250 | jo | vault | 06. September |
DREAMLANDVIP | 100 | jo | vault | 11. September |
JABBER | 1000 | jo | 11. September | |
ALLBORDERLANDSALLDAY | 250 | jo, bis 31.12.19 | 18. September | |
DONTFORGET | 1000 | jo, bis 31.12.19 | 18. September | |
MYCHILIRECIPE | 250 | jo | vault | 27.September |
RISENGRIND | 250 | jo | vault | 04. Oktober |
EDEMONSTER | 250 | jo | 04. Oktober | |
CAOSENMGW | 500 | jo | vault | 05. Oktober |
SPLODEOS | 250 | jo | vault | 11. Oktober |
BLOODYHARVEST | 250 | jo | vault | 25. Oktober |
► Borderlands 3 – Advice and Reading Recommendation:
You can find a lot of information about Borderlands 3 in the overview
Borderlands 3 all Infos
► Sources and relevant Links:
Borderlands VIP Codes auf Reddit
Twitter Accounts:
Youtube Account:
Facebook Accounts:
Facebook Group:
Gearbox Software Forums:
Reading – recommendations:
A lot of detailed game news and information about games and gaming can always be found here at – As a Steam user, you can also follow the ZapZockt Steam curator to always be informed about my reviews directly on the platform.
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