Often you can find especially good games in the Indie Games lists on Steam. Here is a list of many good indie games from 2022 and earlier

85+ great Indie games made by indiegamedevs
What does Indie Game actually mean ?
Most well-known games today are published and financed by larger companies, often with budgets of many millions and sometimes hundreds of programmers, level artists, sound designers, level designers, QA testers, etc… But there are also many small studios or even solo developers who finance their players themselves and also publish completely independently, these are called IndieGames and IndieGameDevs or IndieGameDev Studios.
German Version:
So here are smaller projects, with much less financial power in the background, so that often the production quality is not on the level of the top AAA titles. But in return, you can find very, very often enormously innovative and creative ideas in the smaller indie games. And thus there are special settings and worlds, which would never get a chance as a big game, because they just don’t meet the taste of the masses or because other reasons spoke against financing by the big publishers, like Ubisoft, Microsoft, Sony, Bandai Namco, Activision Blizzard and whatever they are all called. But there are also many game developers who are either still too unknown, or simply no longer have any desire for the big game publishers.
Best Indie Games presented – great games from small studios and for small budgets
In the following, I present a larger amount of IndieGames, here in this post as a playlist with many videos from my YouTube Channel ZapZockt. For almost each of these games, there is also an article here on the site with a written review or introduction, the corresponding links can be found in the video descriptions.
Some of these indie games are from 2022, but there are also many titles from 2021 and 2020 or from even further back. But, especially with these indie games, it’s very common to release games early as “Early Access”. And then continue to work on the game together with the community, to let their bug reports, feedback and suggestions flow into the further development and then to arrive at an even better game. That’s why some of these games are even better today than they were when I created the respective game reviews.
All games in this list are available for PC, most on steam, and a few only on other platforms like Epic Store or GOG. Many of these games are also available for consoles like PlayStation PS4 and PS5, Xbox One, and XBox Series X and S as well as for Nintendo Switch. All videos are dubbed in German language, but with subtitles (CC) in English and often also in many other languages.
About the Ranking of the Best IndieGames List – User Rating Instead of Just an Opinion
The sorting of the following Indie Games list results from the views and ratings on YouTube by the viewers of my YouTube channel ZapZockt. Thus, the ranking is ultimately a user rating, the best and most popular IndieGames are definitely at the top, even if the reverse is not necessarily the case. Because sometimes videos simply go under on YouTube, and that’s not always because the games in question are bad. Sometimes this happens simply because no one knows the game. And therefore you might want to scroll a little further down the page, there you might be able to find some more gems.
Your Vote Counts Too – Join the Vote
If you watch these videos here on the site or directly on the YouTube channel ZapZockt, your views will also be counted and so you can vote in this rating by viewing. Note that views are often not counted on YouTube if they only last 30-60 seconds, so make sure you watch for some time if you just want to vote. But I hope the videos also give enough info to make you like watching longer.
The Best Indie Games 2022 – The Video Playlist
And with that, here we go with the best IndieGames, Role Playing Games, Strategy Games, Adventures, Action Games, and many more genres. Below the list are also left ◄► right arrows to access more pages.

Reading – recommendations:
A lot of detailed game news and information about games and gaming can always be found here at ZapZockt.de – As a Steam user, you can also follow the ZapZockt Steam curator to always be informed about my reviews directly on the platform.
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