Zap Zockt Forum deactivated

The forum was deactivated for now because there were too few users

Hi dear visitor, if you see this page here, you have tried to open a link to the forum. The website is becoming more and more popular, the number of page hits is increasing steadily from month to month. Unfortunately, the functions of the forum were almost not used anymore, there were 99% of posts only by me and therefore the sense of a forum is somehow completely missed. Because the posts, I have posted there, I can also simply post in the blog.

German Version:

On the other hand, the forum software has always been a gateway for spammers and some security problems were also based on this. The updates of the forum developers were also only sporadic and in general, I was not really satisfied with the features, the design, etc. By switching off the forums I save myself and the server a lot of work, which makes the page loading times generally a bit faster and my news and reviews also become a bit faster, because time saved on the forum means more time for articles and reviews.

So I decided to deactivate the forum for the moment and redirect all access to it to this page. But if you feel like exchanging and discussing, or if you want to write directly with me, I recommend the Zap Zockt Discord Server or the Zap Zockt SubReddit, where I’m present almost every day and where you can contact me directly, because you end up “in my pocket”.

I’m not directly aware that there have been many hits on certain subforums, but if you miss something in particular, which you can’t find on the site or on the YouTube channel anyway, please write me on the Discord, Reddit or by mail (see imprint).

If I get a certain amount of messages saying “I want the Zap Zockt Forum back”, the shutdown can be reversed at any time.


Dirk / Zap

Reading – recommendations:

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