YouTube Super Thanks – New way of earning money with YouTube coming in 2021

YouTube introduces new YouTube Super Thanks feature in 2021, allowing viewers to say thank you and donate money to a YouTube channel

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youtube super thanks
zapzockt youtube news

​In addition to advertising, links, channel memberships and possibly a store integrated into the channel, there are already several different variants of monetization for YouTube channels. YouTube is now expanding the possibilities for video creators to earn money with their content with a new variant.

English Version:

Equivalent to Super Chat and Super Sticker for continuous videos

In livestreams and premieres, it has already been possible to donate money directly to the channel as a viewer with the so-called “Super Chats” and the Super Stickers. For some YouTube livestreamers, this function makes up a large proportion of their revenue. Viewers often spontaneously donate remarkable amounts of money through it to support their favorite channel or simply “purchase” preferred positions for their comments and generate special attention for issues.

For creators of edited, long-term relevant content, however, these options have not really been accessible. To make up for this shortcoming of “supers” and make it usable for all content types, YouTube channels are now getting a way to monetize YouTube videos.

Super Thanks expand opportunities for viewers and creators

YouTube channels now get the option to display a “Thanks” button under their videos, which users click and then get a choice of donating $2, $5, $10 or $50 to the channel to say thanks.

A text message can then also be sent in addition, which will be displayed below the video as a highlighted comment.

So viewers get new opportunities to thank you for content that you particularly liked or that helped you, or just to say “thank you”. And for YouTube creators, there’s another way to earn money from YouTube for their often time-consuming work on videos.

Feature is being rolled out in 68 countries as of now

The new Super Thanks feature is being rolled out right now in 68 countries already. Not every channel is immediately approved for it and of course it will also require an inclusion in the Youtube Partner Program (YPP) which means 4000h watchtime, 1000 subscribers and a manual check to get it.

Now at the beginning though, it starts with the larger YouTube channels for now. By the end of the year, however, Super Thanks should be available to all YPP members.

YouTube viewers support their favorite channels with Super Thanks

So if you’re a viewer and you see a “Thanks” button under a video soon, and you’ve always wanted to show directly how much you like or how much a channel has helped you, you can do so with this button and donate a small one-time amount.

And of course, many channels still offer the possibility to sign up for a kind of subscription with the channel membership, whereby the YouTube channel gets a corresponding donation every month and in almost all cases special unlocks, such as extra emotes, access to Discord servers, special insider videos and many other benefits that the channel itself can determine.

Update from April 26th, 2022:

Super Thanks activated in 68 countries since today


Today, a little late, Super Thanks was unlocked in 68 more countries for all YPP members:

Super Thanks

Note for YouTube Creators – don’t forget to enable Super Thanks:

If you want to use this on your channel, you’ll need to set this to active under Monetization -> Supers, then check the mark next to “Super Thanks”. Because by default it’s disabled (for now):

How to find and activate Super Thanks in the YouTube Dashboard
How to find and activate Super Thanks in the YouTube Dashboard


Have you ever donated money to a creator on YouTube? Would you do this more often with your favorite channels, or if, for example, a tutorial was particularly good and saved you time and/or money? Let me know what you think in the ZapZockt Community Discord

Example images for Super Thanks function

Click or tap on the image for a larger view.
In the enlarged view, you can scroll right and left on the edges

Note to YouTube Super Thanks – YouTube gets (not a small) share

For both, YouTube creators and the viewers should be clear, however, that from each donation a not small portion of this sum thereby lands in YouTube’s cash register. It has not yet been announced exactly, but it can be assumed that Super Thanks, just like all the other monetization options, will bring a portion of the revenue into YouTube’s coffers. As with all revenue generated by a YouTube channel on the platform, the company YouTube gets a 35% share of the donated amount.

And in the end, the YouTube channel must also pay a tax on the 65% paid out, which depends on its overall financial situation and the country. In Germany, this can be up from 0% (for small earners) to 40% of sales.


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About Zap "Dirk", Author from

Dirk "Zap" from,
40+ gamer, gaming since 1980, mainly strategy titles, MMOs, and RPGs. Writes game reviews, gaming news, and also sometimes about technology, hardware, and YouTube. Otherwise, can opener for the cat queen Tessa, retailer, PC freak, "The one who installs your printer driver".

Click here, if you want to read more about Zap.