Zap Zockt Newsletter Registration

Would you like to be informed about new articles on the website and new videos? Just sign up for the Zap Zockt newsletter and I will send you (maximum once a week, more likely every 1-2 months) the news and messages in short form by mail.

German Version:

This way you won’t miss anything, even if the YouTube notifications don’t work well or not at all, which they often do.

Do you want to be informed about the news via email?

With pleasure, simply register for the newsletter:

Du möchtest über Neuigkeiten per eMail informiert werden?

Sehr gern, einfach zum Newsletter anmelden:

Detailed information on how we handle user data can also be found under Imprint and Privacy Policy – We use MailChimp, a reputable and recognized mail list manager.

Your email address will only be used for the purpose of sending the newsletter. I will not sell or otherwise “abuse” it—word of honor.