You want to buy SEO Links or a guest post on

I get a lot of emails and messages via social media asking if I want to set a paid link to their site or how much it would cost to post a guest post with links on my website. Here are some of my thoughts about this and maybe some thoughts, that you should think about yourself if you are a marketing guy or selling SEO services.

German Version:

First of all: We Like it Kind and Friendly

Please also note that our site is youth and family-friendly and I reserve the right to reject any objectionable content such as online gambling, sports betting, coin mining or trading, NFTs, weight loss products, illegal software keys, snowball systems, and Ponzi schemes, sex sites, politics, esotericism, homeopathy or any other site that contains or propagates non-family-friendly content, NSFW content, illegal and/or comparable unethical content or otherwise contradicts our ethical business practices. I would consider a subsequent redirection of links once set to corresponding content as a breach of contract.

Right away, guest posts with paid DoFollow links I can unfortunately not offer at all, as this contradicts the company concept of sticking to the Google Webmaster Guidelines about link schemes. Not following these guidelines can lead to demoting or even blacklisting of a website in Google’s index. But a guest article with NoFollow+Sponsored markings would be possible if the topic really is a match. Read more about these collaboration opportunities at the end of this article.

For many years, buying backlinks was a very common tactic to rise in Google rankings. After all, the more links pointing to a website, the better it must be. At least in the early days of the web, that was the assumption that Google would evaluate it that way. Partly this was true, but today it has become much more complex. And sites that put too many links and where it becomes clear relatively quickly that they are selling links for money are very often listed on Google with negative markers or ignored completely.

So buying links can be quite a waste of time and money, even though many so-called SEO gurus still offer this like sour beer today and put it down as an important or even the “most important” SEO method in their courses and tools. Many SEO agencies have earned really good money with this for more than a decade by charging high prices for these services. But this doesn’t work any longer for a long time. Because in many cases these links are completely ignored by Google and other search engines anyway.

Even though many SEO tools still include this as a website ranking factor in their (unfortunately also often outdated) artificial page rankings. Whether the Moz Domain Authority (DA) or Ahref’s Domain Rank (DR), these are artificial values, measured only by these companies and have nothing to do with Google’s actual Pagerank. This is based on far more complex calculations, user behavior, text analysis, user intent fulfillment, etc and its calculation is constantly changing and a well-hidden secret. Not to mention that most search results today are personalized, and many searchers get search results tailored directly to them anyway.

These old and artificial domain metrics have little to no meaning today but are merely used by SEO agencies to sell services to clients that don’t actually do anything except to push these very artificial metrics. And it can even have a very negative effect the other way around. This can go as far as so-called “Manual Actions”, where the Google spam team marks the affected pages as bad, which can lead to downgrades in rankings and even complete deletion of the affected pages from Google’s search index.

With the new Helpful Content Update by Google, It Could do Even More Harm

If you or your client plan to improve the search engine optimization of a website this way, you really shouldn’t do it today. On top of that, unfortunately, many of the offers I receive as suggestions for “guest posts” are so-called “thin content”. That is, they are often carelessly scribbled articles without real content and include no helpful information for the reader, which usually have almost nothing to do with the actual topical area of my website, but are packed with mismatched links. And this content is included in slightly modified form (if modified at all) on many other pages as well, so there is no unique value in these articles. Thus, the chance of any effect is then also often not at all positive.

Including such low-quality content on my website could get real harmful for the whole website

Google is just releasing a new site-wide Ranking factor with the “HCU” or in complete words the “Helpful Content Update”. If you are an SEO person and don’t know what this term means, you should really read Google’s official explanation about the Helpful Content Update, or in a more interesting way, read it in this detailed blog article with an interview made with Danny Sullivan from Google about HCU.

In short, Google is now measuring low-quality, non-topical, and automatically created or AI-generated content and counting it as not-reader-helpful, and they create a site-wide ranking modification, depending on how much of this low-quality to rubbish content is found on a website and this will modify the rankings of the complete website, even of the helpful pages. So if I would accept such non-helpful posts, as most guest posts unfortunately are, it would lead to a strong demoting of my website in general across all pages.

But who am I telling this, as an SEO specialist, who is on the pulse of time in terms of SEO guidelines and important information, you will surely be aware of these things, right? Nonetheless, many SEO companies still sell these services to their customers, although they know all this. But if the customers don’t know, and they pay for a harmful and useless service, there will always be someone who takes that money even with better knowledge. But we won’t take it.

Now you were about to throw money at me for mischief, and I am explaining to you that it is completely unnecessary to spend that money. Presumably, you are now amazed, confused, or even angry with me (or you stopped reading along beforehand anyway).

But there are other possibilities for cooperation:

Advertisements and Sponsored Posts on

Instead of selling you a place for thin content with effectless links, I can offer you this:

Following the rules and writing nofollow/sponsored articles can also be worthwhile if those are unique content and well-designed articles that actually bring useful content to readers. It can have a positive impact if people just read the article and take the information from it, or if they maybe share the content on their own, which can indirectly lead to follow links to that article. And there are other reasons why an article can still be read and readers might become customers.

  • Info article, handcrafted by me, on the website including SEO for matching keywords; detailed presentation of your service, with examples of your products in pictures, incl. one link to your website; €250 basic price per 6 months online time + €250 per 1000 words or part thereof, marked as “sponsored article”, link marked as “nofollow, sponsored”.
  • Info article, created by you, on the website, with pictures and one link to your target website, €350 per 6 months online time, marked as “sponsored article”, link as “advertisement” and marked with the tags “nofollow, sponsored”.
  • Advertising banner in the middle of the content in about 30 % of the articles on the website, with one link of your choice (your website or possibly articles), full-width advertisement, example size 960×200; €150 per month, link marked as “Advertisement” and with the tags “nofollow, sponsored
  • Footer-Advertisement-Banner on the website, with one link of your choice (your website or possibly articles), full-width ad, example size 960×200; €50 per month, link marked as “Advertisement” and with the tags “nofollow, sponsored
  • Sidebar-Advertisement-Banner on the website, with one link of your choice (your website or possibly articles), example size 300×250, advertisement in the upper third of the sidebar; €75 per month, link as “Advertisement” and marked with the tags “nofollow, sponsored
  • Sidebar advertising banner on the website, with one link of your choice (your website or possibly articles), example size 300×450, advertisement in the upper third of the sidebar; €125 per month, link as “Advertisement” and marked with the tags “nofollow, sponsored

All prices are meant plus 19% VAT (German TAX rate), as prepayment and apply per time frame (6 months, 1 month). Of course, there is the possibility to purchase several time frames at once. For 24 months instead of 6 months, I grant a one-time 10% discount on the total amount for new customers.

If one or more of these offers appeals to you, I would be very happy to receive your order, please use the contact possibilities listed on the Imprint Page.

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About Zap "Dirk", Author from

Dirk "Zap" from,
40+ gamer, gaming since 1980, mainly strategy titles, MMOs, and RPGs. Writes game reviews, gaming news, and also sometimes about technology, hardware, and YouTube. Otherwise, can opener for the cat queen Tessa, retailer, PC freak, "The one who installs your printer driver".

Click here, if you want to read more about Zap.