Primitive Society Simulator Review – Stone Age village building sim in the test

Primitive Society Simulator Review - Steinzeit Dorfaufbau Sim im Test

Use sticks and stones to fight against evil neighbors, wild animals, diseases, and animals – building strategy in the ancient world

In this game you lead a tribe in the Stone Age, and over time the primitives become experienced settlers, fighters, explorers, but also families with children, problems, worries and lots of pets. I will show you the gameplay (German / English CC) and give you all the information about the game. So you will know if you like it or not.

SeaOrama – World of Shipping – Review

SeaOrama World of Shipping Review - Test - Seorama - Cover - Logo

Seaorama – World of Shipping is an, unfortunately rather simple, old-school business simulation. It is somewhat reminiscent of Ports of Call from the late 80s, which was a big hit on the Amiga a long time ago, at the end of the 80s, and was subsequently re-released several times. However, Ports of Call had more features and nicer graphics back then, making Seaorama a game that leaves a lot to be desired.

Little Big Workshop Review / Test

Little Big Workshop Review

Little Big Workshop Review – Test of the Hardcore Business Simulation in Cute – Little Big Workshop is a solid and complex economic simulation in which you build your own production factory. The gameplay and graphics look cute, but you shouldn’t be deceived. Everything worth knowing about the game, an exact analysis, and evaluation you get in the following.

Founders’ Fortune Test / Review

Founders Fortune Test Review Deutsch Der spaßige Survival Aufbau Sims Mix im Review

Founders Fortune Test – The Funny Construction, Survival Sims Mix Review

Zap zockt Founders’ Fortune Test. Founders’ Fortune is a building strategy settlers mix with some Sims and a bit of survival in blood. We build a colony on a strange island. We have to survive, gather resources, make a home out of it and build a new home with research, trade, diplomacy and possibly even war against the locals.