First impressions in the Mortal Shell trailer let Dark Fantasy RPG fans hope for a new, high-quality soulslike game
Mortal Shell is a new dark and brutal medieval role-playing game, which plays with very sinister fantasy scenarios and here tries to come close to its great role model Dark Souls. In the new announcement, the Mortal Shell trailer already shows very elaborate boss animations and high-quality graphics as well as an interesting setting.
German Version:
Mortal Shell release date announced for Q3 2020
Publisher Playstack from London announced today that the developer studio Cold Symetrie will launch the new action role-playing game Mortal Shell this year. Mortal Shell is expected to be released in Q3 2020 for PS4, XBox One and PC. The game was previously known under the project name “Dungeonhaven” and today the actual name was announced for the first time. Mortal Shell is already in development for two years and is approaching beta status, first information about the beta, see below.
An exact release date is unfortunately not yet known. But if this should be announced, you will find this information here, like many more Game News.
Cold Symmetry – The developer studio
Behind Cold Symmetry are some very well-known names, such as Andrew McLennen-Murray, Anton Gonzalez and Vitaly Bulgarov. The last two of them have already worked on the graphics for titles like Call of Duty or the upcoming Sony-exclusive title Ghost of Tsushima and you can also admire their work in the very popular movie Alita: Battle Angel. Including the three mentioned 15 developers are currently working on Mortal Shell.
The setting of the game is very dark and macabre. The combat animations and also the flow of the fights strongly remind of the role model Dark Soul, but already have their very own style. In any case, creepy will become an important part of the game as well as relentless fights and all kinds of occult and stories about ghosts, souls and vessels. You can already get a really impressive first look at the game in the announcement trailer.
As the game progresses we will move into the bodies of many different fallen fighters and control these shells. In doing so we can explore their abilities and learn and adopt them for ourselves. We can deepen our bond with these old warriors and thus gradually rediscover completely new abilities and old venerable weapons. Among other things, we can learn how to sharpen weapons or learn arcane powers.
According to current knowledge, Mortal Shell will be a single player game.
More information on gameplay and game design, equipment system, how skills and abilities work and much more details will be available in the coming weeks. It is already clear that with Mortal Shell a real highlight in the action RPG area will come to us.
Mortal Shell Trailer:
Mortal Shell Beta Sign Up
The developers are planning to launch a Mortal Shell Beta soon, more detailed information about when it will start and how to sign up for it is probably most likely to be found in the Mortal Shell Discord. So far there is no exact date and no registration form. Since there were already nearly 4000 people in the Discord server of the game, the accesses could become a very rare commodity.
Mortal Shell Screenshots – Teaser
Mortal Shell Trailer Screenshot – Crypt Grisha Mortal Shell Trailer und Release Ankündigung Fallgrim Brigands Mortal Shell Trailer und Release Ankündigung – Alle Info Heavy Crypt Larva Mortal Shell Trailer und Release Ankündigung – Alle Info Heavy Cultist Mortal Shell Trailer und Release Ankündigung – Alle Info Imrod Mortal Shell Trailer und Release Ankündigung – Alle Info Mortal Shell Cover large Mortal Shell Trailer und Release Ankündigung – Alle Info Sarcophagus Mortal Shell Trailer und Release Ankündigung – Alle Info Shadow Enemy Mortal Shell Trailer und Release Ankündigung – Alle Info Vampires
Links & Sources:
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