Desperados 3 – Release Date, Trailer and Info

Desperados 3 - Release date - trailer - info - Titel

Desperados 3 – Release date, trailer and info

The Wild West tactics and strategy stealth game Desperados will have a new successor in 2020. Now another character, Doc McCoy, was introduced. All known information about the western strategy game Desperados 3 can be found here.

Founders’ Fortune Test / Review

Founders Fortune Test Review Deutsch Der spaßige Survival Aufbau Sims Mix im Review

Founders Fortune Test – The Funny Construction, Survival Sims Mix Review

Zap zockt Founders’ Fortune Test. Founders’ Fortune is a building strategy settlers mix with some Sims and a bit of survival in blood. We build a colony on a strange island. We have to survive, gather resources, make a home out of it and build a new home with research, trade, diplomacy and possibly even war against the locals.

Tropico 6 Tips and Tricks English

Tropico 6 Tipps Und Tricks (Deutsch) für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene [German]

More than 13 Tropico 6 tips and tricks (German & English) for beginners and possibly also for advanced users can be found in this article. Information on how to make a stable start, about diplomacy, politics and trade with the superpowers, bus traffic, trade routes, many important details & features explained in this guide / tutorial. Tropico 6 tips and tricks for beginners and advanced.