Zaps Indie Game News – ZIGN Ep. #01

Zaps Indie Game News ZIGN #01 Legends of Keepers, Withstand, Rescue HQ DLC, Endzone, Colony Siege, Conglomerate 451

Game News about Indie Games and Indie Game Developer – Zaps Indie Game News – ZIGN EP #01

The latest Indie Game news from February + March 2020 for PS4, XBox, PC & Switch. This time with Legend of Keepers, Withstand, Rescue HQ DLC Coastguard, Hot Brass, Endzone A World Apart, Colony Siege, Conglomerate 451. now available on Google News ab jetzt auf google news verfuegbar

Today I have reached a very big milestone that I have been working on for months. My website has been accepted as Google News Publisher. So if you use Google News and are interested in gaming news and game reviews, you can follow me there