SeaOrama – World of Shipping – Review

SeaOrama World of Shipping Review - Test - Seorama - Cover - Logo

Seaorama – World of Shipping is an, unfortunately rather simple, old-school business simulation. It is somewhat reminiscent of Ports of Call from the late 80s, which was a big hit on the Amiga a long time ago, at the end of the 80s, and was subsequently re-released several times. However, Ports of Call had more features and nicer graphics back then, making Seaorama a game that leaves a lot to be desired.

City Bus Manager Review – Become a Bus Tycoon in Your City

City Bus Manager Review - Werde Buy Tycoon in Deiner eigenen Stadt - Test

The New Economic Sim City Bus Manager in Review/Test – Become a Bus Tycoon in Any City You Like

In the new Bus Tycoon game City Bus Manager you build up your own bus company and as a special highlight, you can do this in any city in the world thanks to the OpenStreetMap connection. Build a depot, look for employees, buy buses, and off you go with our own public transport provider. City Bus Manager has a release date of November 10th, 2022, and will be available for PC on Steam.