Fort Triumph Review / Test

Fort Triumph Review - Test - Fantasy XCOM trifft Heros of MM

Fantasy XCOM meets Heroes of Might and Magic in the new turn-based tactical strategy game Fort Triumph

The Zap Zockt Fort Triumph Review (English) – In this review I introduce the indie strategy roleplaying game Fort Triumph. It is a turn-based tactical fantasy roleplaying game that mixes elements from XCOM with Heroes of Might and Magic RPG, turn-based tactics and board game elements.

Two Point Hospital Off the Grid Review – Test

Two Point Hospital Off the Grid DLC Review

New Two Point Hospital DLC Off The Grid brings hippies and ecology to the hospital
At Two Point Hospital, the eco-DLC Off The Grid is all about nature-based living, vegan nutrition, ecological power supply and life off the grid in general. In my Two Point Hospital Off The Grid Review, I’ll show you everything that’s in the new DLC and tell you if it could be worth your while.

Iron Danger Review – Test

Iron Danger Review-schickes Taktik Story-RPG mit Zeitschleife (Deutsch-German, with many subtitles)

Iron Danger – fancy tactical story RPG with time loop
Iron Danger is a tactical RPG in a fantasy world, lets us play a heroine who controls not only magic, but also time. The game is released for PC, PS4, XBox, Linux and Mac. In this review you will be introduced to everything you need to know about Iron Danger, get a complete overview of all features & an analysis of the game.

Founders Fortune Mods by Shenira

sheniras founders fortune mods

Founders Fortune Mods von Shenira – Stärkere Mauern, optimierte Apfelbäume, Heldenschwerter und Heldenrüstungen und bald noch mehr.

Founders Fortune ist das wuselige Mittelalter Aufbaustrategie Spiel mit etwas Die Sims dazu gemischt. Hier findest Du Founders Fortune Mods von Shenira, die das Spiel etwas besser und angenehmer machen.

Two Point Hospital Tips and Tricks Part 2

Two Point Hospital Tipps & Tricks Vol. #2 (German, many subtitles)

12+ Two Point Hospital tips and tricks to help you become a real hospital tycoon

In this guide you will get 12 bigger Two Point Hospital tips and tricks for beginners to advanced and some smaller tips in the margin. This is already the second episode, I recommend to read episode 1 or watch the video. This is about fire extinguishers, ice sculptures and palms, copy and paste, free positioning and much more.

Desperados 3 – Release Date, Trailer and Info

Desperados 3 - Release date - trailer - info - Titel

Desperados 3 – Release date, trailer and info

The Wild West tactics and strategy stealth game Desperados will have a new successor in 2020. Now another character, Doc McCoy, was introduced. All known information about the western strategy game Desperados 3 can be found here.

Colony Siege (p)Review

Colony Siege (p)Review - RTS + Tower Defense Mix im Weltraum

All info about Colony Siege – with developer interview

The exciting real-time strategy and tower defense mix Colony Siege will go into early access in May. Here in advance all info, gameplay and details

Colony Siege is currently under development at Finifugal Games and is scheduled to go into early access on Steam in May 2020. From then on three to four months EA phase are planned until the actual release. In this article you will get all information about the game, including developer interview.